Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen
2010, BA in philosophy and mathematics from University of Southern Denmark (SDU); 2013, MA in philosophy from SDU (studies at Freie Universität Berlin); 2018, PhD in philosophy (Mythos, Natur, Konstruktion. Eine Studie zu F.W.J. Schellings System des Wissens (1800) und dem Bedürfnis nach einem neuen Mythos) from University of Southern Denmark and Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (ALU) (cotutelle de thèse; supervisors: Prof. Dr. Lore Hühn and Prof. Dr. Peter Wolsing).
2019, 15-month postdoc position on the notion of disease in classical German philosophy in context of contemporary debates and the role of aesthetics in health care at SDU; Since 2020, DFF-International postdoc (funded by the Independent Danish Research Council Contemplating, DFF; project: Cosmos. The Metaphysical System of A. Humboldt, H.C. Ørsted, and G. Fechner) at ALU and Aarhus University; October 2022-2024, Carlsberg Reintegration fellowship (project: The History of Nature. Henrik Steffens and the Foundation of the Modern Earth Sciences) at University of Copenhagen (visiting scholar at Cambridge University and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin); 2022-2025, founding member and postdoc in the explorative network “Transformative Transmission: German-Scandinavian Intellectual Communities 1790-1860” funded by the DFF at University of Copenhagen (PI: Prof. Dr. Christian Benne).
Advisor on the publication and translation of G. Brande’s lectures on Nietzsche (Schwabe Verlag), co-editor of Nordic Philosophy in the 19. Century (Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie), translator (into Danish) of Schelling and Hegel.
Member of (selection) “The Steffens Expert Group” (Berlin), “Internationales Forschungsnetzwerk Transzendentalphilosophie / Deutscher Idealismus”, Scientific Board of Schelling-Studien, and vice-president in the “Søren Kierkegaard Society” (Copenhagen).
Areas of Specialization: Classical German Philosophy (esp. Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and Kierkegaard), romantic science (A. Humboldt, H.C Ørsted, Fechner, Steffens), phenomenology and philosophy of nature (esp. Heidegger and Jonas), environmental philosophy (the Anthropocene), theories and recent critique of modernity (esp. B. Latour and the new materialists such as Harman and Morton).