Luca Illetterati
Luca Illetterati is a Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Padua - Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and applied Psychology. He is President of the Italian Society for Theoretical Philosophy; member of the Board of the ‘Internationale Hegel Vereinigung’; Scientific Director of Padova University Press; Scientific Director of Verifiche – Rivista di Filosofia; Editor in Chief of the philosophical blog HegelPd (www.hegelpd.it). His main academic interests are: Classical German philosophy, especially Hegel; the problem of philosophical understanding of nature between modern and contemporary philosophy; philosophical problems of translation. Among his publications: 1) Filosofia Classica Tedesca: le parole chiave, Roma: Carocci 2016 (ed. by, with P. Giuspoli); 2) Classical German Philosophy. New Research Perspectives between Analytic Philosophy and Pragmatist Tradition. Verifiche, 2012 (Ed. by, with M. De Caro); 3) Hegel. Roma: Carocci 2010 (with P. Giuspoli and G. Mendola); 4) Purposiveness. Teleology between Nature and Mind. Ontos Verlag, 2008 (ed. by, with F. Michelini); 5) Das Endliche und das Unendliche in Hegels Denken. Stuttgart – Bad Cannstatt : Klett-Cotta 2004 (ed by, with F. Menegoni); 6) La filosofia come esperienza del pensiero e scienza della libertà. Un approccio a Hegel. Padova: Cleup, 2002; 7) Filosofia come esperienza del limite. Problemi di introduzione. p. 107, Padova: Cusl, 2002; 8) Fra tecnica e natura. Problemi di ontologia del vivente in Heidegger. Padova: Il Poligrafo, 2002; 9) Figure del limite. Forme ed esperienze della finitezza. Trento: Verifiche 1996; 10) Natura e Ragione. Sullo sviluppo dell'idea di natura in Hegel. Trento: Verifiche, 1995.