Valentina Cordero
I have been working in New York City as a journalist, and author since 2010. I obtained my first B.A. in Theoretical Philosophy in 2006 at the University of Turin, and my first Master's in Philosophy and History of Ideas in 2010 at the same university. In 2014, I got my second Master's in Business Journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in New York City.
I am a published author. My first book, "La Libertà Come Riconoscimento: Taylor Interprete di Hegel" (Freedom as Recognition: Taylor’s Interpretation of Hegel) was published in Italy by Il Prato Publishing House in 2012.
In addition, since 2004, I have collaborated with one of the most outstanding Italian philosophical websites, www.Filosofico.net, for which i wrote several essays such as "Hegel: the Idea in its three moments," "Nietzsche and Hegel: God's death and the will to power," and "Boltanski and Bauman: the subject and the process of individualization in our society."
I have also written for “Koinè” (an Italian cultural magazine that publishes such respected writers as Domenico Losurdo and Costanzo Preve) the paper "Methaphysics is still alive" published in 2012